Scotland – What’s Not to Love?

Whit’s fur ye’ll no go past ye  – “What’s for you will not go past you.”

This is one of my favourite Scottish sayings. There are many things people love about Scotland and we plan to bring many of them to you – Let us know below which items you’d like to read next, and once they are published whether you loved it or not.

We plan to write about as many things as we can find – currently we have 200 topics about things we’re told people love around the world love about Scotland. We will be writing about each of them as soon as we can.

Come back often to check our progress and hopefully you’ll find something from Scotland which will fill your life with the magic and joy Scotland gives to the world.

Let us know which ones you love, and which ones you’d like to see next (click the Green Prayer button)!

Fascinating history and rich cultural heritage, including castles, battlefields, and museums.

Beautiful landscapes and scenery, including the Highlands, islands, lochs, and rugged coastlines.

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